Friday, May 14, 2010

Haha. Marie, the 8-year-old I nanny, got in a fight with her parents tonight and was sent to her room. When I went up to check on her, she had packed up most of the contents of her room into a suitcase and said she was running away. I tried not to giggle as I explained to her she wasn't allowed to run away to the Leyden's house like she wanted to...I did tell her we could have girl time anytime she needed me. So if I get a call from a distressed second grader, I know who it is:)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I wish I could have my skinny legs back..without the whole starving bit.
Actually I wish I didn't like food so much.
Or maybe I wish I didn't care so much.

Rich people and their lives are very...tiring.
I am afraid I have been spending a bit too much time envying lately.ew.

In case you needed a reminder tonight was it. I'm a jerk. I tell you I will hang out, then crawl in to bed and turn the lights off. The truth is I am apathetic. I just don't care, and I am waiting for someone who makes me care.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I smell summer

Bit of a rough couple weeks. School is crazy. Work is crazy. Life is crazy.
Car needs a grand of fixing- Damnit Mimi why you gotta keep breaking on me?!
Someone stole my wallet last night because and was drunk and dumb and forgot it. (Not even saying where...ever) It's not even so much that I have to cancel my card and go to the DMV- it actually isn't that big of a deal. It's just that gut wrenching feeling you get when you hear that your card's been used. I always try so hard to see the good in people, and it just bums me out when people so often prove me wrong...why does no one do the right thing anymore? come on people.

Well I know I can handle this. I am blessed to have a family that cares so much about me ad is helping with everything. Back then something like this would have been too much for me too handle, would have thrown me into a spiral. But not now. Now that I am balanced. Happy. Now that I remember that God's always there. Life is a lot less scary with Him around. plain and simple. So instead of retreating or feeling defeated I will meet this challenge life has thrown at me head on. I'll pray for the strength and I will make it.

So finals, get ready to be made my bitch.
Person who stole my wallet, I will pray for you.
Kate, get ready to work your booty off to pay for Mimi's sickness

It's gonna be ok. Summer is almost here, and I am getting a dog friend.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Geeze I love those kids.
I was having a horrible day, feeling sick and generally frumpy.
Got to my kiddo's house. Had some time alone with Annie and got to talk sports sports sports. That girl is awesome at every sport, and I LOVE what a tom boy she is!
Then Jimmy man had a slight meltdown because he wanted to play wii, and because he didn't want to eat his bannana (Completely understandable right?!) He was so grumpy so I just picked hi up and tickled him till he was happy, then he got a tubby- his favortie thing ever.

ok, yes I realize no one but me cares about any of this but it just amazes me how much I love them. Granted I know it's easy to love them when I don't have to deal with whiny kids all day, but even when they are whiny or so something wrong, I can't stop loving them. Eek I can't wait to have kids. Ok edit that. I want a good job, my best man friend/love, and I want to be able to give my kiddos the world first. Dog first. Human later.

Yes, I still want to be a powerful journalist. Yes I want to be extremely educated and succesful. But I now also want to be mommy. I want to love someone else more than I could ever love myself, more than I ever thought possible.
Someday I hope to understand the way my mother feels.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Either you are an idiot, or I don't know how to effectively execute a booty call.
Ha. Bad idea anyway.

I am going to ask the landlord if I can get a dog. I am so nervous I want to throw up. I am so ready for a furry friend.
I want to find MY happy.
I want to run.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's all false love and affection.

You don't want me, you just want the attention.

Life is busy, and hard, and honestly I'm worn out.
I think that's why I play with the idea of you.

Honestly, I know it wouldn't work. Couldn't work. But you know me. No, you knew me. And I just want to sleep in your bed again.