Sunday, March 29, 2009

Birthdays are for the aging.

Just went out for lunch with the family for Cammy Toon's 25th Birthday.
Can't believe my silly brother is such a big kid. He's like a grownup!

Being the amazing sister I am, I opted for a home-made card and created a Crayola masterpiece.

I also included a very heartwarming message for my dear sweet brother face:

"Dear Brother,
Thank you for being my brother. You are old now, and you are not as much fun anymore..but I still love you. You also stink. A lot. But it's ok. I guess.
Love your sister,

I thought it turned out well. For some reason my brother and I always resorted to the "you stink" insult when we ran out of everything else, and I guess it has just kinda stuck. I don't know what it says about us that all we could think of was insulting each other's body odor and/or lack of hygiene but it always seemed to be a good way to start a sibling fight.

I bought some new running shoes. This means I have no more excuses not to run. yikes. But before I go running, I think I will gorge myself on Cam's chocolate birthday cake. good idea? I think so.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Attention: This is like really important.

Ahh. I'm blogging. what has the world come to? I guess this is what happens when you are stuck inside during a silly snowstorm and have not managed to get out of your pajamas allll day.

Throughout my journalistic education I have been taught to despise the blog. It lacks formality, fact-checking, and just plain tradition. And I must admit I always agreed. I have always dreamed of being the reporter out there with her pencil and notepad who comes back to the paper and has her work published in an actual newspaper that people will read as they drink their coffee the next morning. But i guess the times really are a changin', and I may as well embrace this new technology...hey at least I'm not "tweeting!"

Don't worry, I will only blog about issues of the utmost importance, topics that affect society and future generations to come...haha just kiddsies! I will write about the silliness that is my life. And all of my readers will love it (i.e me and my mom..and maybe the wiener dog)

First issue of the UTMOST importance: There is a rumor going around that John and Kate of the best show of all time, John and Kate plus 8 are getting DIVORCED! There have been sightings of John acting in a flirtatious manner around young females, and Kate has been left to take care of all those adorable, super hyper Asian babies! I don't know what I will do if this rumor is true! I love Leah and Hannah and Alexis and Joel and Aaden and Collin and even Cara and Maddie as if they were my own. Well ok maybe not as if they were my own cuz I think I would probably accidentally leave some of them at the mall or something cuz 8 babies is toooo many! But still....
I am now left to sit here and let this news sink in...maybe I should go have a John and Kate plus 8 marathon...not that I secretly DVR it or anything.